Sunday, 5 June 2011

Kog'Maw The Mouth of The Abyss

Short description : (DPS anti-tank style)
Ultimate killer, and one of the best, in fact he's the best anti-tank so far. Not bad CC he has on him, Void Ooze E that slows and deal AOE damage to opponents in a line. He has the best range when Bio-Arcane Barrage(BOB) W is active, and this is the anti-tank's perfect weapon. A great spying tool by using his ultimate Living Artillery R on bushes; and a great last hit spell to take down fleeing foes. 

Furtheremore, he could deal AOE dmg from his innate when he's dead, just make sure you use summoner spell Ghost right before you're dead so you can chase down low health enemies, or place yourself in between as many enemy champions as you can before you detonate in 4sec..

With the recent patch's buffs on him, he's better than ever, with Caustic Spittle Q reducing both Armor and MR; and Living Artillery R now deals more damage as it scales off both AD and AP now. 

Champion info'Maw_The_Mouth_of_the_Abyss

Masteries: (Click to enlarge)

Mark of Alacrity          - +1.7% aspd 
Mark of Desolation      - +1.67 armor pen
Seal of Regeneration   - +0.11 hp regen/5s per lvl
Seal of Evasion          - +0.75% dodge chance
Glyph of Celerity        - +0.05% cd reduc per lvl
Quint of Alacrity         - +3.4% aspd
Quint of Desolation     - +3.33 armor pen

Summoner spells:

Skill orders:
Lvl 1- 6    : E,W,E,Q,E,R
Lvl 7-11   : E,W,E,W,R
Lvl 12-18 : W,Q,W,Q,R,Q,Q

Laning phase:
Lvl 1-6 : Just farm all the way, taking last hits only. Harass opponent by using Void Ooze E followed by a few hits, then back off. If opponents are more offensive, try to just defend the lanes while getting as many last hits as you can; don't bother to kill them, you'll get yourself killed for nothing. Rule of thumb is, farm and defend turret.

Lvl 7-11 : By this level, you should at least farm a normal boot and Madred's Razors. Keep farming and help out your jungler if they are trying to gank the opponents on your lanes. Place an accurate Void Ooze E and Caustic Spittle Q the target opponent, and activate BAB W and  start firing. Other moments, just farm up until you get enough gold for Berserker's Greaves and Wits End. If the opponents are sticking and pushing hard, then stick to your team while concentrate on farming creeps; it won't be hard to get creeps since your have Madred's Razors.

Lvl 12-18 : This is the time to stick more to your team and it's FEASTING time.

Engaging technique:
1. Always keep your distance away from the enemy mages and assassins.
2. Engage only when your tanks have good position in the team fight.
3. Fire your Void Ooze E to slow as many as you can. Always cast your ultimate Living Artillery R once every 6 seconds, fire more if it can give you a kill, but watch out as it requires more and more mana if you cast it continuously within 6seconds.
4. Use your BAB W to have a safe distance while dealing damage to the opponents. 
5. Always aim the squishiest and nearest target to you, don't bother to try and get close to their carry and try to kill them; this will make the opponents focus fire you.

Before tanks and your team are in position, fire Living Artillery R to reduce opponents health and gain vision on them for 4seconds.
Once the team are in position, you should Void Ooze E, Caustic Spittle Q a target, then move back a little and activate BAB W, start taking down the target. 
If you were to die, activate Ghost (summoner spell) before dying and rush into the location with most enemies to deal AoE pure damage from your Icathian Surprise.  

Starting items :


Core items : (in order) 

 --> With this items you can already start killing.

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