Ultimate tank killer, but it's better to be used to assassinate down carries, one of the few champions that can deal significant damage without much items. A good harasser in lane, though not much mechanism but she's not easy to take down; R+Q lets you avoid focus fire for 1.5sec; E allows you to push away incoming tanks or disabler, such as Panth's W, you can easily avoid his stun by E him.
She's the best 1v1 ever.
Champion info: http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Vayne_The_Night_Hunter
Masteries: (Click to enlarge)
Mark of Alacrity - +1.7% aspd
Seal of Dodge/Armor/Hp regen
Glyph of Celerity/Focus - % cooldown reduction
Quint of Alacrity - +3.4% aspd
Summoner Spell:
Skill Order:
Lvl 1-7 : Q,W,W,E,W,R,W
Lvl 8-12 : Q,W,Q,R,Q
Lvl 13-18 : Q,E,E,R,E,E
Laning Phase:
Lvl 1-7 : Take as many last hits as you can, while you harass your laning opponent non stop by shoot, Tumble Q shoot at lvl 1, then back off. At lvl 2, shoot twice and Q shoot to proc Silver Bolts W; however if you can't take 3 clean shots, then just shoot, Q and shoot, then back off. At lvl 4 onwards where you get Condemn E, get close to enemy shoot, Q and shoot, then E to push them away. Remember to take as many last hits on minions as possible. You'll need the gold.
Lvl 8-13 : Basically you'll still need to farm, coordinate with jungler to gank your laning opponent. And remember to ward both sides of river if you're at mid. If you're at top or bot, ward the bush near river. Continue to farm and harass. From time to time, move to other lanes without being noticed to pick up a few assists/kill. Eg. If you're at mid, push all the minions then quickly move to top/bot without being noticed; use R+Q combo in the bush so that you are invisible to enemies for 1.5sec. Coordinate well with your teammates.
Lvl 14-18 : Basically you'd want to be near to your teammates but not with them. Stay near them but go around the river and position yourself so that in a clash, you can't sneak in from sides or from the back. R+Q if you need to, to avoid focus fire and launch surprise assassination. If not, just Ghost in when they've clashed, take down all the carries if possible, if not, take down the nearest carry then hide. Then go for another kill and so on. If they've noticed you, they'll be coming for you. R+Q back to the sides that benefit you the most and quickly run back to your teammates. The aim is to take down 1-2 of them and your teammates will take care of the rest.
Starting items:

Core items : (in order)

Get this if your team has fairly high damage, and you're being focused. Otherwise, go for another Bloodthirster

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