Short description:
Ultimate tank killer, but it's better to be used to assassinate down carries, one of the few champions that can deal significant damage without much items. A good harasser in lane, though not much mechanism but she's not easy to take down; R+Q lets you avoid focus fire for 1.5sec; E allows you to push away incoming tanks or disabler, such as Panth's W, you can easily avoid his stun by E him.
She's the best 1v1 ever.
Champion info:
Masteries: (Click to enlarge)
Mark of Alacrity - +1.7% aspd
Seal of Dodge/Armor/Hp regen
Glyph of Celerity/Focus - % cooldown reduction
Quint of Alacrity - +3.4% aspd
Summoner Spell:
Skill Order:
Lvl 1-7 : Q,W,W,E,W,R,W
Lvl 8-12 : Q,W,Q,R,Q
Lvl 13-18 : Q,E,E,R,E,E
Laning Phase:
Lvl 1-7 : Take as many last hits as you can, while you harass your laning opponent non stop by shoot, Tumble Q shoot at lvl 1, then back off. At lvl 2, shoot twice and Q shoot to proc Silver Bolts W; however if you can't take 3 clean shots, then just shoot, Q and shoot, then back off. At lvl 4 onwards where you get Condemn E, get close to enemy shoot, Q and shoot, then E to push them away. Remember to take as many last hits on minions as possible. You'll need the gold.
Lvl 8-13 : Basically you'll still need to farm, coordinate with jungler to gank your laning opponent. And remember to ward both sides of river if you're at mid. If you're at top or bot, ward the bush near river. Continue to farm and harass. From time to time, move to other lanes without being noticed to pick up a few assists/kill. Eg. If you're at mid, push all the minions then quickly move to top/bot without being noticed; use R+Q combo in the bush so that you are invisible to enemies for 1.5sec. Coordinate well with your teammates.
Lvl 14-18 : Basically you'd want to be near to your teammates but not with them. Stay near them but go around the river and position yourself so that in a clash, you can't sneak in from sides or from the back. R+Q if you need to, to avoid focus fire and launch surprise assassination. If not, just Ghost in when they've clashed, take down all the carries if possible, if not, take down the nearest carry then hide. Then go for another kill and so on. If they've noticed you, they'll be coming for you. R+Q back to the sides that benefit you the most and quickly run back to your teammates. The aim is to take down 1-2 of them and your teammates will take care of the rest.
Starting items:
Core items : (in order)
--> 2 is max, you can always stick to just 1
Get this if your team has fairly high damage, and you're being focused. Otherwise, go for another Bloodthirster
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Saturday, 18 June 2011
Monday, 6 June 2011
Brand The Burning Vengeance
Short description:
Ultimate anti-tower campers; he is one of the best defenders in game. Great AoE damage dealer, and a hit-and-run champion that rarely dies. He can be considered to be one of the decent anti-tanks out there due to his innate Blaze that deals 2% of target max hp over 4sec.
His attack animation is considered to be one of the shortest in game. Make use of this to last hit minions and earn as much during laning phase!
Besides, his skills animations are all very cool! Owh.. I meant HOT!
Champion info:
Masteries: (click to enlarge)
**NOTE** : Toggle between Ghost or Flash depending on which skill you prefer.
Mark of Insight - +0.95 magic penetration
Seal of Replenishment - +0.41mana reg/5 sec
Seal of Regeneration - +0.11 hp regen/5s per lvl
Glyph of Celerity - +0.05% cd/lvl
Quint of Potency - +4.95 ability power (AP)
Summoner spells:
Skill orders:
Lvl 1-6 : W, E, W, Q, W, R
Lvl 7-12 : W, E, W, E, R, E
Lvl 13-18 : Q, E, Q, R, Q, Q
Laning phase:
Lvl 1-7 : Just concentrate on last hitting minions and cast this combo on approaching/melee opponents : Conflagration E and then cast Pillar of Flames W. This will take away about 30% of their HP if you're accurate. Then continue farming. Harass by E,W combo. Make sure you have enough money for Mejai. If you're not confident that you can survive long and getting kills/assist constantly, get Archangel staff.
Lvl 8-12 : Gank + farm time. Use your summoner spell Teleport to whichever lane that requires help on ganking. Be sure to make it a surprise, do not tele on a creep that opponents could see you. Element of surprise will guarantee you at least a kill, or assist. Go back to your lane and farm for Sorcerer boots, gank whenever possible.
Lvl 13-18 : Stick with team and remember your combo techniques of R,E,W,Q in teamfights. Focus turrets by casting Sear Q to air, gaining Lich Bane buff, then hit the turret, then back off if enemy champions approaching. Otherwise, focus turrets and cast a spell every 2 sec.
Combo technique:
Always cast Pillar of Flame W last, since it deals additional 25% damage if the target is ablaze.
In a 1v1 situation, use this stun and burst combo -> cast Conflagration E, then an accurate Sear Q to stun the target for 2sec, immediately cast Pillar of Flames W. Let your teammates finish him off if he runs, never try to chase down fleeing enemies as your don't have any reliable skills that will hit 100% other than medium-ranged Conflagration E; this could put yourself in a lot of danger.
In a teamfight, cast your ultimate Pyroclasm R straight away and then follow up with Conflagration E to set as many targets ablaze as possible, then cast Pillar of Flame at nearest and highest dps opponent; throw a Sear Q then back off, and wait for your Q,W,E to refresh; then walk in and use the E,Q,W combo again.
With Lich Bane, your combo is still the same, but you can whack once after casting a spell, however do this 2 sec once since Lich Bane procs 2 sec once. With Lich Bane, you can down turrets and inhibitors fairly quickly.
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Starting items:
Core: (in order) :
--> If you don't have much confidence in yourself, skip this item. =)
Sunday, 5 June 2011
Kog'Maw The Mouth of The Abyss
Short description : (DPS anti-tank style)
Ultimate killer, and one of the best, in fact he's the best anti-tank so far. Not bad CC he has on him, Void Ooze E that slows and deal AOE damage to opponents in a line. He has the best range when Bio-Arcane Barrage(BOB) W is active, and this is the anti-tank's perfect weapon. A great spying tool by using his ultimate Living Artillery R on bushes; and a great last hit spell to take down fleeing foes.
Furtheremore, he could deal AOE dmg from his innate when he's dead, just make sure you use summoner spell Ghost right before you're dead so you can chase down low health enemies, or place yourself in between as many enemy champions as you can before you detonate in 4sec..
With the recent patch's buffs on him, he's better than ever, with Caustic Spittle Q reducing both Armor and MR; and Living Artillery R now deals more damage as it scales off both AD and AP now.
Champion info :'Maw_The_Mouth_of_the_Abyss
Masteries: (Click to enlarge)
Mark of Alacrity - +1.7% aspd
Mark of Desolation - +1.67 armor pen
Seal of Regeneration - +0.11 hp regen/5s per lvl
Seal of Evasion - +0.75% dodge chance
Glyph of Celerity - +0.05% cd reduc per lvl
Quint of Alacrity - +3.4% aspd
Quint of Desolation - +3.33 armor pen
Summoner spells:
Skill orders:
Lvl 1- 6 : E,W,E,Q,E,R
Lvl 7-11 : E,W,E,W,R
Lvl 12-18 : W,Q,W,Q,R,Q,Q
Laning phase:
Lvl 1-6 : Just farm all the way, taking last hits only. Harass opponent by using Void Ooze E followed by a few hits, then back off. If opponents are more offensive, try to just defend the lanes while getting as many last hits as you can; don't bother to kill them, you'll get yourself killed for nothing. Rule of thumb is, farm and defend turret.
Lvl 7-11 : By this level, you should at least farm a normal boot and Madred's Razors. Keep farming and help out your jungler if they are trying to gank the opponents on your lanes. Place an accurate Void Ooze E and Caustic Spittle Q the target opponent, and activate BAB W and start firing. Other moments, just farm up until you get enough gold for Berserker's Greaves and Wits End. If the opponents are sticking and pushing hard, then stick to your team while concentrate on farming creeps; it won't be hard to get creeps since your have Madred's Razors.
Lvl 12-18 : This is the time to stick more to your team and it's FEASTING time.
Engaging technique:
1. Always keep your distance away from the enemy mages and assassins.
2. Engage only when your tanks have good position in the team fight.
3. Fire your Void Ooze E to slow as many as you can. Always cast your ultimate Living Artillery R once every 6 seconds, fire more if it can give you a kill, but watch out as it requires more and more mana if you cast it continuously within 6seconds.
4. Use your BAB W to have a safe distance while dealing damage to the opponents.
5. Always aim the squishiest and nearest target to you, don't bother to try and get close to their carry and try to kill them; this will make the opponents focus fire you.
Before tanks and your team are in position, fire Living Artillery R to reduce opponents health and gain vision on them for 4seconds.
Once the team are in position, you should Void Ooze E, Caustic Spittle Q a target, then move back a little and activate BAB W, start taking down the target.
If you were to die, activate Ghost (summoner spell) before dying and rush into the location with most enemies to deal AoE pure damage from your Icathian Surprise.
Starting items :
Core items : (in order)
--> With this items you can already start killing.
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Kassadin The Voidwalker
Short description :
Extreme damage dealer in pulses(oopz.. physics term); or we call it burst in LoL. This means he can't deal continuous damage as effective as Karthus' defile + laywaste. And he doesn't burst as much as Leblanc's combo. So, why Kassadin?
1. He has reliable silence(Null Sphere Q) for good 2.6sec at max rank.
2. He has AoE slow (Force Pulse E) which becomes cast-able after he/allies/enemies cast 6 spells near him, with short cool down; he can continuously Rift Walk R in and cast E; and then get out during 5v5 fight; and R in again.
3. He enters and leaves team fight as he wishes. Either he Rift Walk R into battle, Null Sphere Q a target, Force Pulse E as many as you can, then walk away (this is risky); OR Null Sphere Q a target, Force Pulse E, then Rift Walk R out (safer this way).
However, Kassadin is extremely fragile and make sure you go in for the kill when the enemies' crowd control spells (CCs) are in cool down, If not, you'll find yourself waiting for your death timer to count down.
**NOTE**: It's not possible to R in and R out without dying unless your team has great CCs, only Rift Walk in if you are sure you won't be dead from their focus fire.
Champion info:
1. Super offensive (Click to enlarge)
2. Typical mage
Mark of Insight - Magic Penetration + 0.95
Seal of Replenishment - +0.41 mana reg/5sec
Glyph of Celerity - +0.05% cd reduc/ lvl
Quint of Potency - +4.95 AP
Summoner spells:
--> for super offensive masteries
--> for mage masteries
Skills orders:
Lvl 1-6 : Q,E,Q,E,Q,R
Lvl 7-11 : Q,E,Q,E,R
Lvl 12-18 : E,W,W,W,R,W,W
W is only useful to charge up your force pulse E, but I don't think that's really necessary as you need to have as much burst as possible, hence maxing Q and E first.
Laning phase:
Lvl 1-7 : Farm as much as possible, it doesn't matter you solo or not, if your team has a better mid solo champion, let them take mid. Don't insist on getting mid too much. Tolerance is the key in this game.
If your laning opponent has high hp regen, use your Null Sphere to last hit minions, otherwise, spam them and coordinate with your laning partner and go for the kill whenever possible.
Lvl 8-11 : Continue farming until you get Mejai, refer to items list below. Then it's super gank time. Once you have tear, you can start to gank, but focus on getting Mejai since it's very important to collect stacks.
Ganking technique:
Signal: Always, always signal and let the lane champions know you are going to gank, do not rush in and expect others to know what you are trying to do as if they have telepathy. =)
Coordinate: If you have voice chat then it's fine, otherwise, spend a few seconds to type and let them know exactly what you wish to do/accomplish. Effective communication is the key.
Timing: This is the most important factor, TIMING. This will improve over time once you get used to Kassadin. Rule of thumb -> do not try to tank spells/attacks, go in only after you made sure their CCs(stuns, slow, silence etc) are on cool down(CD).
Combo: Rift Walk R, Null Sphere Q, Force Pulse E and Ignite OR Null Sphere Q, Force Pulse E and Rift Walk R out. Do not save spells, it's just cool downs. Just spam all you've got. And don't be too picky on who got the kills. This is a team game. Being top killer doesn't win you the game.
Starting items:
Core (in order) :
-------> Once you get this, it's time to GANK.
-------> Once you get this, it's time to GANK more. // You can skip this item and build Archangel Staff right away if you don't have much confidence in yourself.
This is a very good item for extra burst, by the time you get this, you should have 600-900 AP depending on your Mejai stacks, each time you cast a spell, you'll deal extra damage of your AP to your enemy/turrets. Good to take down turrets btw.
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